

How to stop hair loss? 05:37

The first thing we need to do is to consult with our doctor to determine the factors behind our condition as it might be something genetic, stressfulness, medications that might be taking for any recent illness, certain chemical products or any other factors…

Once the cause of hair loss is determined, the doctor will prescribe a particular medication or product to be followed

Moreover, pregnancy can also play a great deal in hair loss as woman’s body chemistry can change either positively or negatively… The same thing goes to breastfeeding as it causes a reduction in the level of estrogen in the mother even though, breastfeeding is considered to be an essential meal for babies… However, pregnancy and breastfeeding are considered to be temporary factors and we should not worry as long as we follow the medical treatment and in any case, we should take care of ourselves and do whatever the doctor asks us to do as they know much better than us…