
How can we control our temptation for eating when we are not hungry? | 14:42 |
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weight loss
Everyday we notice different issues related to diet and nutrition being discussed in different media, and examined in different views as well! The article which I’m focusing on right now deals with the reasons that urge us to head either to the kitchen or to the nearest restaurant for eating not to survive hunger, but rather, to get comforts! I myself for instance, used to drink mugs of coffee for comfort when I got stressed up with classes, or when feeling down! It is terribly upsetting… but thank God for giving me the courage to stop this bad habit; I have stopped drinking coffee since 3 months ago as my family and friends helped me as well… and when I get upset or stressed, I would just go and do certain changes such as; watching TV, listening to music, talking, emailing or messaging or doing anything that brings me joys and then go back to finish my school work…
I know it is totally difficult to change a habit that we used to do in just whizz of second! But we get to be strong and positive... we have to learn and say NO to food when we are not really hungry… try to take chewing gum or drink water or juicy stuff instead…
Ok, I’ll tell you something; when I get depressed or sad, I would go to the kitchen, BUT, I would prefer to take 1 or 2 pieces of biscuit, or 2 slices of toast with cheese, or yogurt, or eat fruits, or drink a warm glass water, or juicy stuff or any light food, or I would go and watch TV, or check my e-mail, or call family or friends, or simply watch from the window or get myself outdoor… such deeds have helped me very well to get off with my bad habit of drinking coffee, as I used to drink many mugs of coffee when I simply get depressed, or when I even get bored!
So, you too can do the same no matter what you have… you have to keep yourself strong and positive… by the way, do not expect to succeed from the first act! I’m not attempting to scare you; rather, I’m just trying to wake you up with the fact that; no such thing can be achieved without willingness and the temptation to succeed no matter how hard it might be…REMEMBER, having a healthy body is a beauty in itself! So, take care of your health, try to control your depression, and try to shower your life with smiles…

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