
How to avoid overeating at parties? | 15:32 |
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weight loss
Usually, different varieties of tasty dishes would be served at parties, and it would definitely be hard to stop eating, and we don’t usually feel it as we keep on talking with this and that while tasting different dishes and we only start to feel the pain and the heaviness of the abdomen once we reach home! I usually feel the same and end up my day blaming myself for being such uncontrollable girl, and keep on promising myself to never repeat the same act again; however, I simply broke up the promises in another party! Hence, I have just found some tips hoping it might help you and me in avoiding overeating at parties:
1. We should try to drink a glass of water before, during and after the meal…
2. Try to eat some food at home before going to the party; if the party is at night for instance, we should then eat regular meal of breakfast and lunch, to avoid overeating at the party…
3. In terms of the party’s food; try to start with salads, fruits and juicy stuff first…
4. We should not eat while standing as the food can easily be consumed and we would not feel the amount of food that we eat… actually, I myself do feel the same when eating while standing; I keep on eating this and that without feeling satisfied, but I start to feel lethargic and stomach pain after awhile…
5. We should try to talk and focus on what we are talking, and try to enjoy the conversation rather than eyeing on the dishes…

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