
How long does it take to get a flat stomach? | 02:22 |
Such a question usually occurs from a number of people, and I myself one of those people who get deeply concerned over such diet plan to get a flat stomach… yesterday I have come across the same question while I was doing some search, and I got surprised of what the expert has said in her response! She said that, the seekers for a flat stomach are the one who should answer this question, as it depends on our diet program! If we keep on following the diet regimen plus consistent flat stomach exercises, we would then start to see the result within 6 to 8 weeks… but if we keep on changing the diet regimen or turn back to our normal bad habits of eating even if we keep on doing the exercises, we will never achieve the flat stomach we desire!
Therefore, we have to keep on following a particular diet plus performing sets of exercise daily or day after day to see the perfect result in less than 2 months…
Diet + exercise = flat stomach

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