
How to get a flat stomach? | 21:55 |
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flat stomach
Getting rid of a fat tummy is the dream of every person, female was or male… everyone dreams to have such a beautiful body that is free of fats… so, if you really want to turn your vision into reality; you need to get a look into two significant elements, which are your food and health… both of these two elements contribute very highly in shaping your body…
In terms of you of your food; you should get a look into your diet, into what waters your mouth! Not everything reaches your stomach considers being healthy and gets you a flat stomach… as you know, if you don’t follow regular instructions, you might end up having fats everywhere which would definitely spoil the shape of body you desire…
Below are some instructions of free diet programs that you might need to follow up:
· Try to eat food that are sugar free… eat brown rice instead of white… eat cereals… lots of fruits and veggies and make it as snacks as well… cook your food with oil instead of butter… if you dream of getting yourself into Burger King or MAC or anywhere; well, you do have the chance to get yourself there BUT with conditions: make it once a week, go for small size of grilled chicken burger instead… if you want to have some pizza, try to get small size with lots of mushroom, lettuce, onions, peppers, and less cheese…
· At work, try to get away from takeaway food and bring your homemade lunch instead, as you are free to dress it with veggies, fruits, and other stuff as well…
· During the snack time; try to eat fruits or get yourself packed chips with less salt and juice… but you should try to change your snack; don’t stick to one type everyday…try to get some healthy changes to avoid boredom…
· Dinner should be eaten earlier before 3 hours of your bedtime as your metabolism needs time to digest the food… if you eat too late, you will force your saved energy to digest the food hardly instead of letting your body has a rest, and to rejuvenate your energy so you can get up in the morning full of energy..
· Don’t let the food be your best friend to comforts and accompany you during your loneliness and stressful times… try to get something else to keep you busy instead of stepping into the kitchen when you are not hungry…
· Last but not least, don’t forget to have fat stomach exercise daily or day after day…free diet exercise program can be performed in different ways; in the form of walking, you can do crunches, exercise ball or any other method…

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